Computer Services
COVID Situation Response:
Yes, Yellow Crayon LLC can still help
you with your computer troubles.
- Does your computer start up & get to the web?
Many services (malware removal, decluttering, software
assistance & installations) can be done via remote
- Does your computer not start?
Upgrades and moving your files to a new computer can be done
via pickup & delivery.
- Refurbished, ready-to-go Windows 10 computers available.
Call if you have questions or need help. See phone number

Call Yellow Crayon LLC Computer Services for
the computer help you need and for answers
you can understand!
- Repair
- Upgrades
- Virus and spyware Removal
- Tools for your safety and privacy while on the Internet
- Save hundreds of $$$ on office productivity software!
- Photo editing
- Printer setup
- Help getting started with Linux
- Home & small office networks - Wired & Wireless
- Over 20 years experience with everything from microprocessors
to supercomputers
Convenient and No-Risk:
- Home or Office
- Reasonable rates
- Discounts for individuals and non-profit organizations
- Performance Guarantee
Call or write for more
information or for an appointment!
- 971-645-1139 (local call in Portland, Oregon area)

graphics except graphics depicting other entities, web sites,
and products copyright © 2004-2013 Yellow Crayon LLC.